Lake Avenue West at Napoleon Street, ca 1919
Lake Avenue West at Napoleon Street, ca 1919

Carleton Place is a vibrant, heritage-rich community located 30 minutes west of Ottawa. Our community‘s roots were planted by early settlers who emigrated from Ireland and Scotland to establish new lives. By employing their skills and trades, and using locally available materials, Carleton Place grew out of the rocky soil of Lanark County.

Over the years, the early community builders created beautiful stone churches, a stunning town hall, stately homes and commercial buildings. The passion and desire to construct these beautiful buildings remain an enduring testament to the tradesmen and architects of the time.

Carleton Place treasures our built heritage, and the people who shaped the community. The pages contained in this website tell the story of a comunity built on the banks of the Mississippi River and the hardy people who settled it.

Members of the Carleton Place Municipal Heritage Committee (MHC) are very sympathetic to those residents of this town concerned about the future of the Abner Nichols House located at 274 Bridge Street.

The Committee has been concerned about this property for years. While it still holds its heritage designation, it is privately owned, although obviously been neglected. Urgent repairs have been carried out when necessary, by town staff using the town’s Property Standards Bylaw 93-2020 Section 46.
The role of the MHC is to advise Council on heritage conservation measures. The Ontario Heritage Act requires Council to consult with the MHC on matters concerning Heritage Designated properties, (as this one is), on Council’s intent to repeal a designation; on a proposal to alter the designated property; or on the proposed demolition of the structure.
As of this time, there has been no request to repeal the designation, to alter the property nor to demolish the structure. If any one of those three matters arise officially, Council will contact the MHC for a statement, but the MHC is made up of volunteers from the community and is not a body of authority.

This Website is sponsored and produced by the Municipal Heritage Commitee of the Town of Carleton Place. Content cannot reproduced or copied without permission of the commitee. Any stories or articles reproduced with permission in this website are the property of the writer, and the opinions expressed or applied are that of the author and NOT the Town of Carleton Place or members of the Heritage Commitee.
The following have provided material for this website:
David Robertson, The Carleton Place and Beckwith Heritage Museum, The Carleton Place and Beckwith Historical Society, Terry Skillen, Jennifer Irwin, Lise Heroux, Ron Goebel, Lyle Dillabough, Mary Cook.